29 Million +

Improved Attention &
Memory Retention

Increased Creativity &
Cognitive Enhancement

Light, deep and extra-deep meditative states.

What Others Have To Say About Us…

Colette Walsh

I would like to thank you for the binaural beats.
I have had problems with going to sleep and staying asleep for over 35 years.
At present with the aid of your beats I am sleeping uninterrupted for five hours at a time.
This is marvelous!


They have literally given me a new lease on life!
I bought a couple of the packages you sell on your store back in 2020 and I cannot even put into words how different my life is… we tried some other beats before finding yours and while relaxing, they did not do what yours do.
Jody, your stuff REALLY WORKS!
I know you know this Lolol but for a jaded patient like me, the results blew me away.


Honestly man I don’t know the science or anything behind it but it just makes me focus a lot more than usual


JJody Hatton claims to have worked with some neuro scientists using CT scans i think to learn the most effective of ways to meditate with binaural beats.
His work is different. Each ear receives its own frequency that is constantly changing throughout the meditation. Jody claims that this is the most effective way.
I like it enough to use.

Devon Lane

I want to thank Jody for helping to change my life.
I am 53, recovering from life long addiction (back among the living for 3.5 years).
When I first started to learn how to live without artificial motivation I discovered I have a raging sleep disorder.
Out like a light and wide awake in 2-3 hours. After a couple cursory home sleep studies, medical community has no clue, they just push you to cpap therapy and step away.
Jody’s Binaural Beat formulation has afforded me daily 20-30 minute brain re-sets and occasionally helps me get 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Really Jody, you help me everyday! Your power naps quite literally keep me functioning and happy, thank you!

George Freeman

Your personality and authenticity are amazing and hearing your voice just for a few minutes to send love to all who use your videos is the best.
I take power naps daily because of you. It’s my time to recharge and it fricken works wonders.
Love you back!!!

Jason White

I love your binaural nap tracks. I use them every day at lunch, and then some. And the things I love the most are that there is no music or chirps or annoying things in it to get tired of and that I can select which one fits the amount of time I have. Then I switch over to your wake up track! Cheers 👍
edit: I find them most helpful if you turn them down to where you can just barely hear the “wobble” and then focus my mind on picking that up. then I am out like a light.
It is a similar method to musical tracks where you have to focus to hear the binaural underneath.


Have you tried Binaural Beats?
Jody Hatton on YouTube is the best source for them that I’ve found.
I know that it sounds pretty far fetched, but it has actually worked for me and my father. The best part is that you don’t even have to believe me. You can try it for yourself and see if it works for you!
I would advise to start listening for really short periods and gradually build up.

Penny Dreadful

Wow that WAS a spectacular.
I use your binaural beats to sleep, especially the power nap ones. At first when that alarm goes off I’m like “oh no!”, just cuz I really hate waking up, but then your soothing voice tells me to breathe and conquer the world and I realize I feel great.
Not groggy at all like with regular naps.
The three words I would use are
Thank you for all you do. 👍

See What Other People Say

I have only used your advanced binural beats for sleep yet and it has worked surprisingly well!! I say that bcs I have had extreme sleeping problems for my whole life and have tried everything so for something to work is just miraculous! I am very thankful!! 👍😘

Cammi Eklund


I got on to your channel to set up a power nap up get a restart so if be motivated to get my work done. Got distracted and watched this instead. It worked. Not only am I ready to start my day but I am really jazzed for improving my life. Your channel is vital in my life right now. What you’ve done for my productivity and mental health surpasses any pills I’ve ever taken. Words can not express how thankful I am. You have given me tools to not just survive but thrive. I recommend your channel to everyone I meet and can’t wait to utilize the docs! Not to be over dramatic (even though I am a theatrical person), but you’ve saved my life. I have been struggling but adding naps and quality sleep to my schedule has kept me out of the mental hospital for over 6 months (my record since Covid began) and I have no need to go back and time soon. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Shilo Lorenz

Power Nap

This has been life changing for me. Going from tossing and turning and having an interupted 2-3 hr sleep each night. To falling into a deep sleep straight away for 7.5 hrs. An absolute Godsend 🙏🏻 Thank you

Megan Robinson
